Saturday, August 10, 2024

About this Site

Hi everyone. I’ve played, reviewed, and documented my thoughts about every game that was released in North America during the 16-bit era. That’s 716 Super Nintendo, 704 Sega Genesis, and 95 TurboGrafx-16 games, for a grand total of 1,515 fourth-generation titles.

My goal in reviewing all these games was to create an ordinally ranked, best-to-worst list of every 16-bit game.

The reviews are full of typos and incomplete sentences, but I don't care. The notes are simply gravy on top of the scores assigned to each game.

Some Background

Project Scope - This page explains the scope of the project, including a breakdown of all noteworthy games that were included or excluded. 

Methodology - Here's an explanation about the methodology I employed when reviewing and grading each game and how I assigned each game an overall score.

Who Am I? - In case you want to know more about the author.

Sortable Lists

You can explore the reviews in three different ways: by scrolling down on this page (not recommended), via the labels in the right nav, or by viewing the three pages linked below. Each page includes a table where you can sort or filter the list of games by Title, Score, Publisher, and Year.

All SNES Games
All Genesis Games
All TurboGrafx-16 Games

Please enjoy one man's fully formed opinion of the fourth-generation of video game console libraries.

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