Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Cool Spot for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Cool Spot

Floating red spots, everywhere

Genre: action - platform

Publisher: Virgin

Year: 1993

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Stupid hud with your face slowly melting to show damage taken. Collectable red spots show where to jump next but often jumping to one lands you on an enemy for a cheap hit. Major momentum issues with walking. Jumping is much faster so that's the primary means of movement. Camera moves to show about 70% ahead of you and doesn't snap like in Aladdin on Genesis but is still a bit annoying. Eightway shooting (soda fizz maybe?) is nice to have after so many games where you can only bop or use melee attacks.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Earthworm Jim Zero - easy to see the elements and design choices that carried over to David Perry's next game like: - indeterminate platform shapes as you walk inside of rather than on top of - animated arrows pointing where to go (sign of bad level design) Typical tall maze-like labyrinth levels. Each level has a definite theme - beach, attic, bathtub, etc. Level amounts to two enemies and constant platforming. There's a ton of climbing around in a maze. Nothing new is introduced at any point during a level. Just rinse and repeat in a different order. Climb vine>shoot mouse>jump over tacks>vine>two mice>tacks>descend vine>etc.

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

As much as I want to be annoyed, I actually like the Spot character. No idea what he's doing or why, but this is an appealing world. Actually it reminds me of Harley's Humongous Adventure, but with Spot. So I guess it's not that great.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Hard to spot enemies and obstacles. For example a stationary fishing hook on a beach hurts you but doesn't look threatening. Animation is impressive. Lots of lighting and shading on sprites and backgrounds.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Pleasant music Unobtrusive sound effects Spot's voice is a bit annoying

Overall Score: 64

Review ID: 121

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