Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Harvest Moon for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Harvest Moon

Chore Simulator 1.0

Genre: adventure - overhead

Publisher: Natsume

Year: 1997

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

Zelda 3 controls. Lots of built in time wasting mechanics that are annoying but somehow make the game even more addictive. Having to climb the mountain to jump in the hot springs to restore stamina is one of several of these weird mechanics. As in life, starting out is rough but once you find a groove the game becomes quite fun.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

The day/night cycle is interesting and stressful since the day is so incredibly short. You have to plan your movement extremely carefully. Make money during the day and your chores at night. Very interesting concept which obviously inspired every survival and lifestyle game that followed, including Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Don't Starve, and the most blatant ripoff - Stardew Valley.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

I have an addictive personality so I could see losing a lot of time in this game. I spent three hours on it writing this review. I better turn it off. It's like the Seinfeld of video games. A game about nothing. Well, nothing that resembles a video game anyway.

Art Style Score: 5

Art Style Notes:

Beautiful pixel artwork. Not a lot on display here but what is here looks wonderful.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Sounds are a bit annoying, especially the text boxes and chopping wood and whatnot. The Mountain and Farm tracks are nice but the Town sing is offkey. It's horrible. No music plays during nighttime which is most of the time you'll spend in the game. Disappointing.

Overall Score: 78

Review ID: 218

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