Thursday, July 25, 2024

LHX Attack Chopper for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

LHX Attack Chopper

First person Desert Strike

Genre: simulation - flight

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Year: 1992

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

First person view, although you can switch to 3rd person if you wish. But don't. Surprisingly responsive controls. And by responsive I mean horribly slow, but dramatically better than other 16 bit flight sims. The best feature of this game is auto aim. Your target only needs to be within your field of view and locked on to be fired at. C shoots a gun and B shoots your selected missile (sidewinder or hellfire). The worst feature is the inability to control elevation. Or more accurately, the inability to hit any flying enemies who are invariably above you and therefore impossible to hit. Well it can be done but it's very difficult.

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

There's a map which you will consult often. The parallels to Desert Strike are most obvious in this regard. In fact, you might say there's a striking resemblance? See what I did there? Anyway, like all these flight sims there's not much to do. The area is just stark desert with a blue canopy. There are lots of enemy units to shoot at. The flying enemies move but everything else is stationary. Gets boring after 10 min or so. Has a mission-based structure with a briefing and debrief. A radio buddy gives you mostly unhelpful hints and a big red arrow points you to the next objective. Extremely linear.

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

No idea what the story or setting is. You've got all-text briefings. The most ambiance you get is the pause screen which shows the map on a table with a Bowie knife and a watch. Oh and within the game there are friendly units and camels, yes camels, which you can shoot if you feel like being evil.

Art Style Score: 1

Art Style Notes:

Do youn like low poly flight sims? Well here's one. At least the framerate is tolerable. Barely.

Audio Score: 0

Audio Notes:

What audio? There are a few voice samples but otherwise the game is almost completely silent.

Overall Score: 34

Review ID: 1035

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