S.O.S. Sink or Swim
SinkGenre: puzzle - platform
Publisher: Titus
Year: 1994
System: SNES
Gameplay Score: 1
Gameplay Notes:
After playing the tutorial I was excited to play this game. Boy was I disappointed. Requires precision platforming but the controls aren't up to the task. Prepare to die a lot. I guess that's why then game is called Sink or Swim. There are only a couple of buttons - jump, interact, and bomb. The bomb was used in stage one but then never used in the next 7 levels. Unclear what can be bombed or interacted with. It's a game of trial and error. Once error conditions have been missed the level automatically ends so you don't even have time to explore to work out the solution. It's maddening!
Level Design Score: 2
Level Design Notes:
Basically the only way to finish any level is to know exactly what needs to be done. So you not only need to have the level memorized but you also need flawless execution. There is no trial and error or time to think - you have to do it perfectly. The levels themselves are well designed but they're just so frustrating!
Theme Score: 2
Theme Notes:
You're a scuba guy. Actually you're Scuba Steve from Big Daddy and you ride in a yellow submarine, like The Beatles. Your job is to rescue idiots on a sinking cruise ship, ala The Poseidon Adventure. So yeah, there are a whole bunch of very dated pop culture references in this one. Oh and you look like Leisure Suit Larry. Oy
Art Style Score: 2
Art Style Notes:
Typical Amiga-looking graphics. Everything is way too busy with a bunch of unnecessary animation. Hard to distinguish platforms and hazards and items to interact with. The artwork itself is wall drawn but unattractive.
Audio Score: 4
Audio Notes:
I liked the music. There seems to be a good variety of tracks with interesting composition. The sounds are thoroughly unimpressive.
Overall Score: 34
Review ID: 479
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