Saturday, July 20, 2024

Spindizzy Worlds for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Spindizzy Worlds

Garble Madness

Genre: puzzle - overhead

Publisher: ASCII

Year: 1993

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Marble Madness clone Requires precise movement. Playing on Easy is the only way to go since you will fall off the sides of the map a LOT and Easy reduces the consequence down to a very small loss of "fuel" Has a very welcome "boost" button which let's you go fast only when needed Crippling slowdown makes the game even more difficult than it otherwise would be since it requires precise movement and the slowdown throws off the timing something awful Difficulty ramps up quickly so frustration sets in after about 20 min of playing For me, playing this game feels like a chore. There's more labor than fun

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Most rooms have a puzzle to solve or objects to collect in order to open the exit. Levels and rooms within levels switch between puzzle-heavy and collectathon quests to keep things interesting

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

You're a spinning top

Art Style Score: 1

Art Style Notes:

Extremely flat and boring graphics. View is zoomed way out which I didn't mind at first but I found myself straining to look at the screen to see if I still have momentum in a given direction or if I've come to a stop. It became exhausting to look at the tiny sprites and paths I had to navigate on the isometric playing field.

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

Decent video game music. Nothing to write home about

Overall Score: 44

Review ID: 522

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