Sunday, July 28, 2024

Warlock for Genesis

Image: MobyGames


Castlevania with frickin lasers...and bad controls

Genre: action - gun

Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment

Year: 1995

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Much improved movement compared to the SNES version. Long animation to shoot and can't move while shooting Unreadable health meter Very short jump Enemies pop out for cheap hits and have tiny hitboxes

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

no clear objectives

Theme Score: 0

Theme Notes:

weird setting - hero is an emo guy in a trenchcoat

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

Good animation. Sprites are small and have a realistic look that I hate. Some parallax and such. Looks good for what it is but I just don't like it. Backgrounds are pixelated and darker compared to the SNES version, but the resolution seems better in this game.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

music is someone pressing and holding a note every few seconds on a spooooky organ sound effects are ok, like the sound of your electrical laser shot and the enemies grunting

Overall Score: 38

Review ID: 1377

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