Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Energy Breaker for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Energy Breaker

One man Tactics Ogre

Genre: strategy - turn-based tactics

Publisher: Taito

Year: 1996

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

Nice tactical gameplay akin to Tactics Ogre or FF Tactics. The menus take some getting use to but are not a problem once you've got it down. You have an allotment of movement and skills points to use each turn, so the less you move the more you can attack. Which direction you attack from matters because you and your opponents can counterattack if the attack comes from the front. Horrible inventory system. Maybe even worse than Earthbound. You can carry 8 items, including your equipped weapons and armor. Wow. It's not ground breaking but it's good and certainly better than most.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

I hemmed and hawed on this one because I suspect the game improves, but it starts out with a long one person party quest. I hate this sort of thing. I understand wanting to give a tutorial of the gameplay but come on - I've played a game or two in my life - let me get into it. Also, the stages are confusing. I got lost in a five screen area because every screen looked the same and there seemed to be no way to progress. I need maps and a walkthrough.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Pretty generic chosen one storyline in a vague fantasy setting. You're a girl, which was novel for the time. The world feels loved in and alive, which is the saving grace here. I'd like to see more, if I can just get out of this blasted forest.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Fantastic late-gen pixel artwork. A notch below the best of the best, but still very good. However, the world has a poor visual language to demonstrate doors, platforms, height (you can jump), shadows, etc. It all kind of runs together and forces you to guess what can be interacted with.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

I love the music...mostly. It's orchestral and comforting, but also has some weird samples at times, particularly in the forest theme. The title theme is incredible. I hope there are more songs like that in the OST. The sound effects are too loud and can be completely disabled but I kept them on despite my slight discomfort with them

Overall Score: 75

Review ID: 1622

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