Thursday, August 8, 2024

Magical Pop'n for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Magical Pop'n

She's a talkative witch

Genre: action - hack n slash

Publisher: Pack-in-Video

Year: 1995

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 5

Gameplay Notes:

A very short jump which would've benefitted from a double jump. However, the controls are very responsive and easy to use. Combat is great - you've got a multi-directional sword slash and a pogo move. A also uses a selectable magic spell which uses stars, all the hearts from Castlevania. There are 6 magic spells which you acquire as you progress through the game.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Reminds me of Little Nemo. It's got branching paths and hidden areas with a handful of collectibles. Some of these paths are confusing as it's not always evident what's a door or a platform. Also, some places are points of no return. I wish the level design were better, but it's not bad either.

Theme Score: 5

Theme Notes:

Very cute. It's like a mix of Ghouls n Ghosts, Sailor Moon, and Sparkster.

Art Style Score: 5

Art Style Notes:

Incredible artwork throughout. The first area is the least interesting as you're navigating between same-looking buildings, but further levels take you to a variety of interesting locales with distinct looks. The sprite work and animations are incredible. Backgrounds often feature parallax scrolling.

Audio Score: 1

Audio Notes:

Here's the elephant in the room. The sound is AWFUL. A shrill squeal plays every time you swing your sword, which happens a lot. Most of the music tracks are lame with a few being painful to listen to. What a shame!

Overall Score: 82

Review ID: 1741

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