Saturday, July 20, 2024

Aquatic Games starring James Pond and Aquabats for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Aquatic Games starring James Pond and Aquabats

Mario Party but with only two one-player minigames

Genre: minigame - n/a

Publisher: Seika

Year: 1993

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 0

Gameplay Notes:

How was James Pond popular enough to earn a spinoff series? Controls are ok bit not always responsive. The button mashing events are - whatever, but the events where you move your character have a long lag or even missed inputs. Hard to use. The objectives of each event are a mystery. Like the Bouncy Castle is where you bounce on a trampoline over and over and you seem to need to press jump when you hit the trampoline but it doesn't always make you go higher. Sometimes it does but I'm not sure if I'm getting the timing wrong it if it really doesn't matter what I do. The buttons can be remapped which makes it more playable than something like Olympic Summer Games.

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

Feeding Time and Kipper Watching are the only events that aren't button mashers. But they're about 2 mins of gameplay. Like having a Mario Party game with two one-player minigames.

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

Silly setting but it's James Pond.

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

Not bad. Great use of color. Has that Amiga look.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:


Overall Score: 16

Review ID: 545

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