Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Batman Forever for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Batman Forever

And you thought the movie was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet

Genre: action - punch n kick

Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment

Year: 1995

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

Not a complete trainwreck, but it's close. Controls are like a fighting game. Up is jump and there's a heavy and light punch and kick.

Level Design Score: 0

Level Design Notes:

The worst level design ever. I got to the second screen and couldn't figure out how to leave it.

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

Batman Forever is a best-forgotten chapter in Batman cinema. I had more expectations coming in.

Art Style Score: 0

Art Style Notes:

Incredibly dark environments. Obviously this is intended but holy cow is like playing with the TV's brightness setting at zero. Digitized sprites are laughably horrible. Every character looks terrible and Batman is an absolute joke. He looks like he's got a stick up his butt and rocks back and forth like the bench coach of the 1990s Braves. Incredibly pixelated on the Genesis. I'm taking off the last point available. This game is ugly

Audio Score: 0

Audio Notes:

Some of the worst music I've heard. It's like they tried hard but had no talent. I only wish I could take off more. The sound quality is horrible on top of everything else wrong with the sound.

Overall Score: 11

Review ID: 769

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