Monday, July 29, 2024

Champions Forever Boxing for TurboGrafx-16

Image: MobyGames

Champions Forever Boxing

The boxing sim

Genre: fighting - boxing

Publisher: NEC

Year: 1991

System: TurboGrafx-16

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

Plays a bit like a brawler. You move around within a 3D arena. The II button punches and I doesn't do anything, as near as I can tell. Punching reduces your strength meter while taking punches lowers your stamina. For the love of Pete I can't figure out how to wear down my opponent. Punching him seems to have no effect on either meter while my strength goes down when I punch or he punches me. There must be a strategy or hidden controls that escape me. In any case this seems to be a simulation style boxing game. No thanks

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

Exhibition and career mode, which is just a series of exhibition with a skill tree. All arenas are identical.

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

Licensed titles are rare on the TG-16. I can only think of the two Disney platformers and the Jackie Chan game. In any case this one has a handful of famous historical boxers from the 70s such as Joe Frasier, Ken Norton, and Muhammad Ali.

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

It's a blank, non-interactive arena with no interesting features. The sprites are small but animate well, although they don't do much.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

About what you'd expect. Punch, oof, and bell ring. Not much else

Overall Score: 26

Review ID: 1442

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