Bland Zelda 2Genre: adventure - platform
Publisher: Renovation Products
Year: 1992
System: Genesis
Gameplay Score: 2
Gameplay Notes:
Yet another Zelda 2 clone. Overworld exploration is overhead with no combat although you can gather a party. Your party members don't do anything except advance the story. All combat happens as a side scroller. Your weapon is a sword with a large swing but the hitbox is only at the very tip of the sword so enemies flying up above you don't get hit which is super annoying. Atrocious hit detection. Enemies fly much faster than you do and swarm at you. They also infinitely spawn. Movement is fast but the physics are strange like your jump goes down faster than it goes up sort of like in Tiny Toons. Really difficult to stay alive with as many hits and cheap enemy placements there are in the game.
Level Design Score: 2
Level Design Notes:
It's a linear adventure where you go from place to place and the game basically gives you the next thing to do constantly. Not terrible but also fairly uninteresting. The dungeons are particularly obtuse. There's no real help to figure out which doors to go into. It's just trial and error.
Theme Score: 2
Theme Notes:
It feels like this game is the second in a series but I'm not sure. The story is that you're some sort of conqueror and a rival nation has begun a war. It's unclear what exactly you're trying to do. The story didn't grab me at all. Hilariously bad translation.
Art Style Score: 2
Art Style Notes:
The graphics are obviously early generation. Very flat. The game takes place within a letterboxed area of about 70% of the screen. Sprites are large and simply drawn, but they're not unattractive.
Audio Score: 3
Audio Notes:
The music is surprisingly jazzy given the Middle Eastern theme going on. So while the music doesn't match the theme, it's not terrible either
Overall Score: 42
Review ID: 903
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