Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gradius III for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Gradius III

If Michael Bay made a shmup

Genre: shooter - horizontal

Publisher: Konami

Year: 1991

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

Poster child for crippling slowdown. Makes the game much easier than it would be, but also makes the game and they system feel weak. The SA-1 hack is a must to experience what the designers had in mind. The power-up systems is iconic and lovely. I love that you have control and don't have to avoid collecting powerups like in other shmups. I wish that you could change the powerup set between stages, but that's a minor gripe.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

Levels are short but memorable. They're full of waves of enemies with lots of moments and set pieces. The volcanoes are iconic, as are the dragon fight and the too-fast flight through metal shafts.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Generic space shmup without a story. Menus and voice stuff give it some character that other shmups lack.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Background is always just an empty black background. Sprites are nice with some interesting enemy designs like articulated dragons and the famous Easter Island statues. Looks like an early 16-bit game but it's timeless. Looks as good as it did back in 1991.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Music stops when you pause which allows it to match up exactly with what is happening on screen. Very cinematic. Excellent composition. Not super epic music, but all very good. Nice sound effects which aren't horribly annoying like in so many other shooters.

Overall Score: 80

Review ID: 209

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