Thursday, July 25, 2024

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Indy is on the clock

Genre: action - hack n slash

Publisher: U.S. Gold

Year: 1992

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Everything hurts you. You can even take damage from hitting your head on the ceiling. Really? You can use your whip or punch. Punching has such a short range that it's not worth using. Insanely limited time. I can't finish the first level. Stiff, unresponsive, laggy controls.

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

The first level is a linear crawl through a cave with short ceilings, lots of ropes to climb and attempt to jump off of just right so you don't hit your previous head on the ceiling. Frustrating platforming.

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

It's Indiana Jones, right? Unfortuntaely there's no cutscenes or anything else that promotes the brand. It feels like an otherwise generic action game.

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

Looks like a Master System game. Stark black background. Simple tiles. Poor animation. Decent colors but otherwise boring artwork.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

I really want to give it a high score because it uses the classic music. It just doesn't do it justice.

Overall Score: 41

Review ID: 982

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