Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour

Insert backhanded compliment here

Genre: sports - tennis

Publisher: Ubi Soft

Year: 1994

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Plays a lot like Mario Tennis - move to the ball and hold a button to charge it up. Release to hit the ball. This works ok in principle but gameplay is fairly fast so it makes the game more difficult than it could be. Despite that there's a lot to like here. You've got 4 different swings, a control option that move the character for you, and a steady camera. Serving is very strange - it's basically a quick time event. I can only land about 60 percent of the time so I DF way too often. Lots of play options.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

All the usual modes

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

Very arcadey. I like it. The only downside is that a stats screen is shown after every single game. Really breaks up the action. Why is Jimmy Connors' name on this game? It's the least intrusive player endorsed game ever.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Sprites are tall and thin. The view is mostly topdown and looks great. Playing on either side for the court feels fine.

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

Pleasant music plays on menus and between games and sets. Sounds are good

Overall Score: 62

Review ID: 252

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