Thursday, July 18, 2024

Jurassic Park for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Jurassic Park

Must go faster. Must go faster.

Genre: adventure - overhead

Publisher: Ocean

Year: 1993

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Overhead segments are a poor man's True Lies. Or maybe Chaos Engine. Not great but not horrible game mechanics either. It's a shame that enemies are so annoying to deal with and you die after only 3 or 4 hard to avoid attacks. It doesn't help that full screen text boxes appear frequently but don't stop time. They also can't be dismissed. You have to wait for them to time out so you're vulnerable while these dumb things are on screen. Ammo is a major concern and you can carry three weapons but only use two so there's a button to toggle between the two weapons assigned to the A button. Weird. The FPS levels are, in a word, atrocious. There's no strafe and you rotate very slooooowly so movement is painfully slow. Horrible framerate as well. Enemies are so stupid as well. They just stand there and wait for you to shoot them.

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

The game starts out in the overhead and send wide open side from some electrical and come barriers to limit where you can go. There's no indication of what you're supposed to do. I'm at a kiss tbh. While the overhead area is just a big open space the FPS area I found is the absolute antithesis. It's a tiny, claustrophobic, linear area filled to the broom with health and ammo. It also has barriers that require key cards which I assume are found outside somewhere. Overall it's one of those games that requires a map and guide or a ton of patience to find your way around. Enemies in these areas are

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Cool movie. Shooting dinos ought to be a good time.

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

Eh, it's ok. The overhead area is attractive and the sprites all look great. The FPS levels are absolutely horrible though. Single digit frames per second for sure.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Some nice tracks. They're a poor substitute for John Williams score but they'll do.

Overall Score: 58

Review ID: 261

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