Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mask for SNES

Image: MobyGames


The best THQ game?

Genre: action - punch n kick

Publisher: Black Pearl

Year: 1995

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Very fast movement. Typical lot awful THQ hit detection but movement and attacks are so fast that it's fairly tolerable. Three attacks are a punch you can execute very rapidly to stun lock enemies and a hammer smash which uses some Mask power. The last attack is a Tasmanian Devil spin attack that makes bosses a breeze. Enemies take an insane number of hits but only attack one at a time so it's ok. Some enemies are in the background and can't be killed which is super annoying. You have to duck to avoid, move a little, buck again, move again to get past them.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Huge sprawling labyrinth mazes with branching paths and unobvious means for traversal. Grates on the wall and some elevators can be entered which warps you to another area. Very not intuitive but I didn't get lost anyway. Tons of health, Mask, and money pickups all over the place help you see where you've already been.

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

Movie tie in. No idea what I'm trying to do.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Ok the setting is weird and the character models are a bit funky but the graphics are quite impressive. Animation is amazing tbh. Platform can be hard to distinguish but overall this game looks great

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Obnoxious music and sounds abound.

Overall Score: 48

Review ID: 321

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