Midnight Resistance
Dollar store ContraGenre: action - gun
Publisher: Sega
Year: 1991
System: Genesis
Gameplay Score: 2
Gameplay Notes:
Really wants to be Contra, but the controls are so stiff and laggy. Feels like the game is running at half speed and at 50Mhz. It's bad. Extensive slowdown makes it even more slow. Weird mechanic where you press A to begin shooting and it continues without you. You can press A again to turn it off. Ammo is limited but plentiful so maybe there's a reason to stop shooting but I'm not sure. Collect little red somethings in the level which are currency for between level shop where you can buy a weapon (3 way is the only way). No powerups to gather in level. You can aim in eight directions but aiming up or down is extremely awkward and you sometimes get stuck in the position you most recently pressed. Oh and did I mention that it has 20% draw distance. In a run n gun. Yeah
Level Design Score: 2
Level Design Notes:
It's fine, I guess. Certainly nothing special. Every level is against the backdrop of a jungle or a mountain with waterfalls, caves, and whatnot. Platforming is horrible due to the controls so thankfully the game doesn't do a lot of it. However some segments are nearly impossible to pass because enemies move quickly and are too large to jump over.
Theme Score: 2
Theme Notes:
This is just a blatant, shallow clone of Contra. Even back in the day I think kids would be embarrassed if their friends knew they had this instead of Contra.
Art Style Score: 1
Art Style Notes:
Utterly pedestrian. Horrible performance with slowdown and graphical glitches all over the place. No animation whatsoever
Audio Score: 3
Audio Notes:
Some nice tracks and sound effects that aren't grating
Overall Score: 40
Review ID: 1072
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