Nickelodeon GUTS
American Child NinjasGenre: minigame - n/a
Publisher: Viacom
Year: 1994
System: SNES
Gameplay Score: 0
Gameplay Notes:
Some of the worst controls on the system. Just awful. The PoP themed events are particularly awful with the game seemingly unwilling to do anything you ask it to do. I hate this game with a passion.
Level Design Score: 1
Level Design Notes:
5 events but it's really only two. The other three are just slight variations on the two main events. 1. AERIAL ATTACK - Simple once you figure out the trick. But then the game goes way too long. 2.5 minutes feels like an eternity where you jump over about 25 times. It just amounts to holding down and letting go when the meter is 60-80%, pressing B, then holding down again on your way back. Repeated 25 times. 2. GYM - American Ninja obstacle course. Most of the platforming involves climbing up poles and ropes. You have to stand in just the right position to grab onto the pole and start shimmying up. It's quite frustrating. Like Prince of Persia but 10x as difficult to find the right spot. 3. SPIRALS - Oh goody. It's a repeat of Aerial Attack but with less forgiving target to aim for. I only missed 2 throws in Aerial but only got 8 of 23 attempts in Spirals. 4. TRACK - As I suspected this was just another PoP obstacle course but this time instead of trying to find the exact spot from which you can grab onto a pole suspended above a flat surface, this time you have to do so on a sloped surface that you slide down if you stop. What. The. Heck. The controls were awful to begin with but this event is utterly impossible because of them. I spent 10 minutes and couldn't get past the second pole. I'm out. 5. SLAM DUNK - You guessed it...this is jsut a slightly more difficult version of Aerial.
Theme Score: 1
Theme Notes:
It's like American Gladiators but with kids. I'll watch Double Dare instead, thanks.
Art Style Score: 2
Art Style Notes:
Rotoscoped animation like Prince of Persia. Otherwise it looks a lot like a THQ licensed game like the Home Alone games.
Audio Score: 1
Audio Notes:
Turn the sound off. Trust me. The music is a 3 second set of notes that plays on repeat. Part of it is three bangs on one of those maracas you played in elementary school music class, repeated over, and over, and over again.
Overall Score: 12
Review ID: 382
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