Friday, July 19, 2024

Pinocchio for SNES

Image: MobyGames


I dare you not to beat it

Genre: action - platform

Publisher: Virgin

Year: 1996

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Slow movement No challenge whatsoever. This was made for very small children. Refined version of Virgin's engine. Camera works well, easy to grab ledges, no floatiness. Mostly just run and jump and avoid enemies. Only attack is a spin with very short range so only use when game forces you to.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Some interesting levels but they're so devoid of hazards or enemies that it's hard to call this a game. Feels like the Paw Patrol game I bought my 5 year old for the Switch. There's a Simon Says level and a bunch of linear walk right platforming stages plus one big square that had a linear path. Another has you upside down and then an autoscroller going left grabbing fish tails and another paddling a raft away from Monstro.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Follows the movie to a T. Story is told via text between levels

Art Style Score: 5

Art Style Notes:

Unbelievable animation and sprite work. Looks better than almost anything else at the time.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Very nice stuff

Overall Score: 67

Review ID: 420

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