Saturday, July 27, 2024

Red Zone for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Red Zone

Play Desert Strike instead

Genre: shooter - isometric

Publisher: Time Warner Interactive

Year: 1994

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

Two modes - overhead Pilotwings helicopter levels-style, and on-the-ground overhead shooter like Smash TV. Interesting, but neither one is fun. Awkward tank controls. No ability to strafe. Impossible to avoid taking damage. Very slow movement in both modes. Taking damage results in localized damage. ex. ram into an obstacle and your nose is damaged. Get shot from behind and the tail rotor is damaged which makes your copter harder to control. The damage system is novel but awful. It makes bad controls 10x worse. Few health pickups. Impossibly difficult to kill enemies. Only one life. Die and the nuclear war occurs. In this game the "You're Dead" screen is "Everyone is Dead".

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

Beats me. I can't get past the first level. The areas feel empty. On screen map is useful and helpful to see where to go next and where enemies are. Thank you!

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

Has a Command & Conquer: Red Alert vibe. Maybe this inspired it? In this narrative a Russian-looking "dictator" is threatening nuclear war and "You have 24 hours". To do what, you might ask? Beats me. Kill him I assume. The cartoony character models on the homescreen don't jive with anything else in the game. Pseudo-FMV in the opening sets the tone.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Tough to tell what is an enemy and what is a benign obstacle. Also difficult to tell what has a hitbox and will damage you if you run into it. Technically impressive visuals. The pseudo 3D is incredible for the time. Sprites are nice, although there aren't very many.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Music sounds a bit like Perfect Dark Nice sounds for the most part.

Overall Score: 38

Review ID: 1191

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