Saturday, July 27, 2024

Revolution X for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Revolution X

Music is a weapon...and a weakness

Genre: shooter - gallery

Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment

Year: 1995

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

In the SNES version the cursor is way too fast. Here it's too slow. Enemies are firing when they appear onscreen and your snow cursor makes it impossible to kill them quick enough to survive for long. There's only one enemy. Absolutely no variety in who you're shooting at. Boring. Are my shots causing damage? Am I taking damage? Who knows.

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

Boring scan to the right or left. There are a couple of points where you can choose a branching path but this is actually annoying since you have to shoot an arrow to make a selection which deters you from shooting the bad guys. The levels themselves are uninteresting. Nothing memorable.

Theme Score: 0

Theme Notes:

Uggh. Unless you're really into butt rock this game will not appeal to you. You can guess how I feel on the subject.

Art Style Score: 0

Art Style Notes:

Horrendous. Terrible. Ugly. Unpleasant. Am I making myself clear? The digitized/prerendered sprites are unbelievably ugly and have almost no frames of animation. As previously mentioned there is only one enemy sprite that is repeatedly used.

Audio Score: 0

Audio Notes:

Music is the weapon, or so they say. In this case I say it's an all-out assault on the ears. All you can hear is the music track that plays on repeat. There are pretty much no sounds and what is there is drowned out by the loud music. At least the sound quality in the SNES title was good but here is an unmitigated disaster.

Overall Score: 15

Review ID: 1194

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