Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sesame Street: Counting Cafe for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Sesame Street: Counting Cafe

There's a fly in my soup

Genre: educational - n/a

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Year: 1994

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

Floaty movement. Jump is your only move. Objective is to take an order (1 of this, 2 of that) then find those items on platforms to the right and jump to add them to your platter one at a time. Then bring them to the customer. Always the same customer.

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

What do you expect? It's supremely simple, repetitive, and way too long. After three fetch quests you've done all there is to do but to finish the game you'll have to do the same thing 23 more times. After 5 rounds there's a brief segment with light platforming which acts as a boss fight of sorts. Still, the game offers no variety.

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

Cute. Several SS characters appear, including Grover, Cookie Monster, the blue guy, Bert, the Owl, etc

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

Sprites have almost no animation. The background is generic. This could be the house from Home Alone for all you know. Nothing screams Sesame Street Joyner than the sprites.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Lots of voice samples which sound good but are very quiet. Music is not good but very repetitive

Overall Score: 26

Review ID: 1221

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