Saturday, July 27, 2024

Socket for Genesis

Image: MobyGames


If Daffy Duck was a Tesla

Genre: action - platform

Publisher: Vic Tokai

Year: 1993

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Sonic clone. Major momentum issues and an inability to climb up snooped without a huge runup. Pervasive slowdown.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

Some nice design

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

Typical generic mascot platformer. You're a robot duck who must be plugged in between levels and has electrical based attacks.

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

Colorful and technically impressive in sports. The use of color is haphazard so it's hard to distinguish enemies and platforms from everything else on screen. Some levels look like a unicorn vomited.

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

Possibly the most egregious low health sounds of all time. It sounds like a European ambulance siren. Some nice music that unfortunately is drowned out by the so-so sounds effects.

Overall Score: 64

Review ID: 1241

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