Sunday, July 21, 2024

Super High Impact for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Super High Impact

Bad port of a bad arcade game

Genre: sports - football

Publisher: Acclaim

Year: 1993

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Tecmo Bowl clone B throws downfield and A hands off. Only 8 plays to choose from. Field is incredibly short so very easy to get first down every play. Controls are stiff since animation is slow but movement is fast. So turning takes too long. Change direction and you'll be hit immediately. Basically you have to decide before the play starts which way you'll roll and then throw and stay going in a given direction until you're tackled. Extra point and kickoffs and a fighting minigame are just a button mash with a 0-100% guage. I'm a decent masher but i can't get over 50%. Stupid Cheese the game by just calling the Bomb play and throwing to the guy at the bottom. Can't be stopped.

Level Design Score: 0

Level Design Notes:

No such thing. Only exhibition mode

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

Over the top 90s arcade crap. Like a WWF football game. Some hits knock your clothes off. NFL Blitz does this sort of thing WAY better.

Art Style Score: 0

Art Style Notes:

Butt ugly. Animations are laughably awful. The players whizz around the field but only have a couple frames of animation which flip at about 1 FPS. They look like electric football guys, frozen in one position while gliding around.

Audio Score: 1

Audio Notes:

Over the top announcer gets old real quick

Overall Score: 23

Review ID: 569

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