Sunday, July 21, 2024

Super Off Road for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Super Off Road

The first game I bought for my SNES

Genre: racing - isometric

Publisher: Tradewest

Year: 1992

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

Controls could not be better. Use combination of L/R along with the d-pad to make right turns. The physics are crazy but so forgiving. Tons of fun to pick up and play for 15-30 min at a time. I love that it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Racing games are best in short spurts and this has that down. Super fun as a multiplayer game too. To bad it isn't 4 player and online. Collect money quickly to power up your ride. Only negative is a lack of passwords but again the entire game takes 20 min so it's not really necessary.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

So much variety in the tracks! They each fit in one screen but there are so many creative choices, like without walls, with pillars, a huge sandy hill to drive along. Every track feels unique and even has a name. After you've seen them all you then go backwards on each. Very cool.

Theme Score: 5

Theme Notes:

Presentation is great and nothing gets in your way. Jumping into the game is quick and easy. Oh and second place is the place to be. Va va voom

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Simple but elegant. The tiny sprites animate beautifully and move at a high framerate.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

The music is fun and lovely. Great sounds effects like crashing and the nitro. Good stuff

Overall Score: 81

Review ID: 580

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