Tuesday, July 16, 2024

7th Saga, The for SNES

Image: MobyGames

The 7th Saga

Japanese gameplay, Western styling

Genre: rpg - western

Publisher: Enix

Year: 1992

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Battles take place in an over-the-shoulder view with the standard top-down overworld. Random battles are shown with dots that run toward you like Zelda II but they're unavoidable so I'm not sure why they exist. Oh and they happen every 3 seconds. WAY TOO OFTEN. The game is stupid hard. I had to grind up to level 3 before I could survive more than 2 battles before having to go get healed. This wasted my entire 30 minute playthrough. I don't have a party. An NPC promised that I might be able to recruit one of the other selectable heroes later on so that's something to look forward to I suppose. The game also has a slow feel to it, and commits the cardinal RPG sin of requiring you to open the menu to select Talk or Search to interact with NPCs or your surroundings. FF IV came out a year before this game. No excuses guys.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Dunno. I didn't play long enough to see much. Everything looks pretty generic which is fine.

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

Very generic RPG setting. You're one of 7 heroes recruited by a good king to save the planet.

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

Good for an early SNES title, but it hasn't aged well. The transition from overworld to battle is seemless but results in a pixelated mess for a background. Animation is minimal. Character models are frankly pretty ugly. Pretty unappealing looking graphics overall.

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

Meh, it's alright.

Overall Score: 48

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