Sunday, July 28, 2024

Triple Play 96 for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Triple Play 96

I'm pretty sure this is using the FIFA engine

Genre: sports - baseball

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Year: 1995

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Games take a real game, I suppose. The following happens after every. Single. Pitch: 1. Catcher throws to the base ahead of the most advanced baserunner. 2. The fielder runs toward their base and then throws to the pitcher. 3. The catcher moves behind the plate and crouches. 4. The baserunners take a lead, back off, then advance. 5. The pitcher wipes his brow, spits, and looks in for the sign. 6. The pitcher finally winds up and throws. This sort of stalling happens across the board. Ridiculously long animations. Incredibly slow pace of play. Base running is insanely complex. You can switch to an individual runner. This happens by accident and it's hard to tell what is going on. Why is my guy standing still?! Where is he going?! Luckily it's all automated by default, you just have to remember to not run yourself. Very choppy framerate Pitching/hitting is fairly standard but has some simplification. For example, instead of moving within the batters box you can move your front foot left, center, or right. I think this let's you try to pull or push the ball but I don't know if it actually does anything. The map shows where the ball is going as well as where your fielders are. Nice. Two different views - Zoom or Normal. Normal is great when hitting but terrible while pitching, and vice versa, so you have to switch between them each inning. Uggh Having said all of that, this is actually a decent baseball game, just with a very strong simulation gameplay.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Every mode you can imagine. Exhibition, season, all-star, playoff, and a GM mode

Theme Score: 3

Theme Notes:

MLB and MLBPA Does a great job of looking and feeling like a real MLB game. The ballparks, players, stats, and everything are all here.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Fielding view looks and plays a lot like EA's soccer games. Really impressive artwork. Love it. Awesome use of color. Not washed out like so many other Genesis baseball games. The only knock is the poor framerate.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Persistent music and crowd noise. Not as horrible as other EA games but still annoying. The organ is great, as are the voice samples.

Overall Score: 60

Review ID: 1348

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