Monday, July 29, 2024

Wings of Wor for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Wings of Wor


Genre: shooter - horizontal

Publisher: DreamWorks

Year: 1991

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

The weapons (blue, red, alternate red) give you a beam, spread, or x shot. One hit death Sub weapons to collect tho you have to hit a button to activate before you can use them. Kinda weird Enemies move quickly but you upgrade your speed to an equally blistering rate

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

This is where the game shines. Lots of interesting events and bosses.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Legendary Wings wannabe. You're Icarus or maybe the cherub from Actraiser, who's to say? Eh I like the mythology theme here, although they don't explore it enough for my taste.

Art Style Score: 1

Art Style Notes:

Unfortunately this game is kind of ugly. The artwork is not good. Enemy designs are blah with everything having a generic look. You fight way more squids, bugs, and rocks than actual menacing looking enemies. All the sprites are very small and poorly animated. The color palette is also very dark and limited.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Pretty simple music and again only uses a handful of sounds. The sound of shooting is obnoxious

Overall Score: 60

Review ID: 1392

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