Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Appleseed: Oracle of Prometheus for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Appleseed: Oracle of Prometheus


Genre: action - gun

Publisher: Visit

Year: 1994

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

Reminds me of RoboCop for the NES, only with an even less nimble character. Granted, you can jump, but there's little or no platforming anyway. Just walk forward and shoot you gun at enemies who take too many hits. Barely passable gameplay. Movement is unbearably slow to the point that there's almost no way to avoid taking hits from enemy attacks. You seem to be invisible anyway, so there's no point in avoiding damage anyway. You can cycle between three weapons with the touch of a button. This is slow and cumbersome and results in a lot of long pauses trying to pick the weapon you want. They all seem to deliver the same damage so again, there's little reason to bother with them. There's no HUD. None. I have no idea if you even have health or points or anything. What the heck

Level Design Score: 0

Level Design Notes:

Baffling. I dare you to finish the first screen without looking it up on YouTube. This is some Simon's Quest or Batman Forever level of stupid level design.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Art Style Score: 1

Art Style Notes:

Very simple, boring, plain. Incredibly disappointing given the futuristic setting. Looks like a mediocre NES game.

Audio Score: 0

Audio Notes:

Atrocious music. Some of the worst on the SFC/SNES. Every song sounds like someone beating on a bunch of trash cans. In fact, I remember a Sesame Street episode where Oscar the Grouch puts together a band of monster whose aim is to create the worst music possible. That's what this sounds like.

Overall Score: 16

Review ID: 1529

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