Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Cosmo Gang the Video for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Cosmo Gang the Video

Galaga by any other name would play as sweet

Genre: shooter - vertical

Publisher: Namco

Year: 1992

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Well, it's Galaga. A one-screen shooter that outdoes Space Invaders but doesn't stray too far from the formula. You begin with a pea shooter but a double cannon appears quickly. The challenge comes from enemies divebombing you from far too close to the bottom of the screen and from hard-to-notice enemy bullets. It's fun, but only in short doses. I wish there were more powerups, like a rapid fire or a spread shot. Numerous collectables drop but only three rare ones which do anything - a bomb that nukes everything within a large-ish area, a big head which acts as a shield for a couple of seconds, and a huge spider web which slows enemies. These each sound good in principle but in practice they don't do much, or they add so much slowdown that they throw off your timing.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

Levels are very short - like 30 seconds long. However, there's a lot of variety in the enemy patterns which keeps the stages interesting. Each level has a distinct background. Overall I really liked the designs.

Theme Score: 5

Theme Notes:

Very arcadey presentation, with huge block letters announcing the start and finish of each stage and personality throughout. High production values here.

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

Bright, cartoony aliens and spaceships. Simple, but so cute. It's a one-screen shooter so there aren't any crazy visuals. What's here looks nice but again it's not going to impress like other games in the genre.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

I was tempted to give this a 5 because I love the arcade sounds and music throughout. But it doesn't compare to games with a truly epic soundtrack, so this gets knocked down a peg. But still, the sound in this game fits it perfectly.

Overall Score: 69

Review ID: 1575

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