Friday, August 9, 2024

Tales of Phantasia for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Tales of Phantasia

The real-time turn-based RPG

Genre: rpg - japanese

Publisher: Namco

Year: 1995

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

This is the second Action RPG that I can think of (Secret of Mana is the first). Random encounters but the fights aren't strictly turn based. Honestly, they might as well be, as you really only need to to press A to attack or B for your assigned skill. Still, I love the increased interactivity compared to most of these RPGs. Like SoM you only control the main character, but unlike it you can't switch to the other party members. Everything else about the game is well-crafted. Menus are good, not great, and the movement and game speed are excellent.

Level Design Score: 5

Level Design Notes:

Linear story progression plus some meandering but good dungeon design. I never felt lost, probably because the encounter rate was long enough to let me get through a door or two. The overworld map helps tremendously, although I wish there was a dungeon map.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

The story gets real dark, real fast. It doesn't shy away from wanton death. However, it's full of tropes and pretty well follows the plot of Harry Potter to a T. And yes I know HP came out after, but three children (two boys and a girl) whose parents resisted and banished an evil wizard 10 years prior is now a story that has been done to great aplomb. There's time travel and sorcery, so there's a ton to enjoy, but some of the plotlines feel cliche.

Art Style Score: 5

Art Style Notes:

Easily some of the best pixel art of the entire 16-bit era. I can't think of anything better, to be honest. There is so much detail, including faux reflections in water and mirrors, and faux lighting effects from light sources. Truly, truly remarkable. There is so much animation in this game! Doors and treasure chests opening, fires flickering, grass blowing in the wind, birds flying, etc. Its incredible how alive this world feels. I also like the thought bubbles that appear over a person's head to show their emotion.

Audio Score: 5

Audio Notes:

Beautiful music, especially that main theme. It's interesting how there isn't a battle theme but instead the area or dungeon music plays right through the battle. It's a littleweord to have peaceful music play while fighting, but the music is so good you won't mind. The only thing I don't like are the voice samples that play at certain points. They're poor quality and break the immersion of the game.

Overall Score: 89

Review ID: 1921

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