Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventures of Dr Franken for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Adventures of Dr Franken

What, no Stein?

Genre: action - platform

Publisher: DTMC

Year: 1994

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Everything is a platform. For example there's an armchair - both the top and the arm rest are platforms. Getting off requires pressing down and jump so to get to the ground takes two drops. Floaty graphics. Sprite is huge with enormous hitbox. Enemy hit boxes are ill defined leading to terrible hit detection. Eats inputs like crazy - jumps and attacks only work 75% of the time. X attacks left and A attack right which is super weird to get used to

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

SMW-style overworld Typical collect X widgets then go to exit design. Who likes this crap? Clunky controls make platforming and avoiding enemies difficult No continues Again, the platforms upon platforms - like Inception of platforms

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

Frankenstein's monster is a surfer bro - uhhh, wut?

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

Decent graphics with some nice effects and animations like foregrounds and backgrounds and lighting effects. Enemies have few frames of animation. Ugly character models. Nice environment tiles. Would be so much better with attractive sprites.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Forgettable, generic music that doesn't say - monster movie Annoying sound effects.

Overall Score: 41

Review ID: 13

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