Monday, July 22, 2024

Aladdin for Genesis

Image: MobyGames


The other Aladdin game

Genre: action - hack n slash

Publisher: Sega

Year: 1993

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Horrible camera. The David Perry camera hasn't been perfected just yet. Here it tends to snap to certain positions at predetermined spots. These often hide enemies who love to attack from off screen. 30% draw distance when hanging from a rope. Enemies have no hitbox and you have almost no i-frames. Disappointing combat. Sword slash has horrible hit detection and short reach so it's almost useless. Best attack is throwing apples but they take a strange arc so it's hard to use. Also the sword can't swing if you press during the stop animation so the game eats that input all the time. Movement is otherwise responsive

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

Some nice platforming and verticality to the levels. They're rather long and don't have many health pickups. Enemies are placed for cheap hits. Hard to tell what's a platform. Lots of variety No time limit. Thank you!

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Has tons of personality. Doesn't follow the movie's plot very closely. Almost feels like a parody. Like a Lego game

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Crazy good animation. Character models match the film to a T. I only wish the game had a stronger visual language for what is a platform or can be interacted with.

Audio Score: 5

Audio Notes:

Fun music with several layers. Some sounds leave a little to be desired but overall this is well designed sound

Overall Score: 72

Review ID: 735

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