Captain America and the Avengers
Crap 'n the AvengersGenre: action - beat em up
Publisher: Mindscape
Year: 1994
System: SNES
Gameplay Score: 0
Gameplay Notes:
What the heck is going on? These have to be the worst, most screwy controls in a brawler. Even a tiny press on the d-pad sends your character flying across the screen which makes it insanely difficult to line up with an enemy you're trying to attack. Enemies can attack you WHILE YOU'RE ATTACKING THEM. They aren't stunned like in every other beat-em-up or fighting game ever made. Well, other than Pit-Fighter. In fact, this game plays a lot like Pit-Fighter, just at about 3x speed which somehow makes it even worse. At least in P-F everything is horrible - here it's frustratingly bad because you want it to be better. As if it's even worth continuing with this evaluation, the hit detection is unthinkably bad. Again, Pit-Fighter is a good comparison. I'm not sure at what point your punch will actually connect but it's not when you hope it will. The projectile attack is your best bet since punching exposes you to an equal amount of punishment as you can dish out, but it's nearly impossible to connect a projectile hit due to the hit detection. The horrible, horrible hit detection. Enemies swarm, land cheap hits, and have a considerably longer reach that you do. Crazy bugs all over the place make you move when you're pressing the opposite direction, stop the action for second, stop playing music or send it all to the R or L speaker, etc. Super buggy In a word, this game is horrible.
Level Design Score: 1
Level Design Notes:
I only saw the first two levels and I don't want to see more. The first is a standard corridor with no hazards but swarms of enemies. The second level is a shmup where you are an almost completely immobile and enormous sprite. It plays a bit like the wonderfully awful Silver Surfer on the NES. Good luck avoiding taking damage. The worst part is that the level is incredibly boring. There are only three enemies that always have the same pattern which is repeated over and over and over.
Theme Score: 2
Theme Notes:
The Avengers, before they were cool. I read a lot of comics as a kid but even back then Cap, Iron Man, Vision, and Hawkeye were dorky.
Art Style Score: 2
Art Style Notes:
By far the best thing about this game...and that's not saying much. The graphics aren't much better than your standard THQ title, but they're colorful and the character models are well drawn. The animation is an absolute joke so don't get too excited. This is a bad looking SNES game.
Audio Score: 1
Audio Notes:
One repetitive and annoying song plays throughout the entire game. Some energetic voice samples are campy but enjoyable, but overall the sound is a mess.
Overall Score: 13
Review ID: 94
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