Double Dragon
The OG beat me up. And beat em up.Genre: action - beat em up
Publisher: Ballistic
Year: 1992
System: Genesis
Gameplay Score: 1
Gameplay Notes:
Play the NES version instead. 5% draw distance. Five percent! Enemies attack you from off screen nearly every time you scroll it. Terrible hit detection. You can't button mash. Instead, you have to punch or kick in a very specific rhythm to land three in a row which knocks down your enemy or makes you grab and throw them. If you don't do this, they'll attack you while you're punching. Enemies quickly surround you so fighting two or three is nearly impossible. The game is incredibly difficult because enemies take so many hits and land. So many hits on you.
Level Design Score: 3
Level Design Notes:
There's quite a bit of variety in the levels, which is surprising given that this is one of the first of its kind. Most of the time you're fighting enemies like any other brawler but then there's ladders and platforms and lots of environmental hazards.
Theme Score: 4
Theme Notes:
So this is a generic. Your girl has been captured storyline. You and your brother are on a rescue mission but the weird thing is that at the end you have to kill your brother. Still it's Double Dragon.
Art Style Score: 3
Art Style Notes:
Call me crazy but I love the simplicity of the NES version. The graphics here look strange like they're stretched vertically and squeezed horizontally. I've never liked the look of the arcade game and this one replicates that very well. So it looks decent but not great.
Audio Score: 2
Audio Notes:
Again, I much much prefer the sound from the NES version. The composition here of course is excellent cuz it's classic double dragon but the sounds used in the music are not fun to listen to.
Overall Score: 39
Review ID: 875
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