Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Illusion of Gaia for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Illusion of Gaia

Quintet #2

Genre: adventure - overhead

Publisher: Nintendo

Year: 1994

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

Streamlined gameplay. Press A to interact. Text appears all at once without drawing on screen. Pressing any button dismisses a text box on the last screen of text. Saving takes one click. Just a lot of simple QoL features like this. Game guides you to the next objective. I appreciate never being lost. Long scripted sequences provide a rich narrative. Has a map. Very fast movement. Responsive and simple controls. Maybe too simple. Just attack and one equippable item button. All enemies have health bars.

Level Design Score: 5

Level Design Notes:

Clearing the screen of all enemies opens doors and powers up Will. I'm a completionist so this mechanic really speaks to me. The game is very linear which makes for a streamlined experience. Introduces a lot of mechanics early on like saving, eating and using items, running, pulling, and morphing onto Freedan.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Generic kid and princess vs the world storyline. However, the character development is quite good for Will and Kara and even her pig. It's like of Link had an actual backstory.

Art Style Score: 5

Art Style Notes:

Huge sprites. Very colorful. Beautiful, timeless pixel art.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Some of the music is amazing while others are a bit annoying. Overall very good. Sound effects are very good.

Overall Score: 87

Review ID: 230

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