Thursday, July 18, 2024

King of Dragons for SNES

Image: MobyGames

King of Dragons

The best D&D on SNES

Genre: action - beat em up

Publisher: Capcom

Year: 1994

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 4

Gameplay Notes:

Your standard sword attack has a long range. You can abuse the planes as your attacks hit far up and down compared to your enemies. Controls are very responsive. Movement is just right. Not too fast and not too slow. Combat is your standard mashing without any special moves. I wish there were some variety. Tons of enemy types. At least three per stage so maybe 15 or more original enemy types plus pallette swaps for each. Level up your defense and offense like an RPG. Fun powerups kill everyone on screen or turn them to frogs. Pretty funny. 5 characters to choose from.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

Lots of short levels. Maybe 12 in all. Gives a nice sense of accomplishment. Lots of variety in the locales and enemies. No environmental hazards. Most levels end with a boss battle which is pretty short. Bosses generally move quickly and have very long reach so the best way to kill them is to abuse the planes.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

D&D style. This is what Legend wishes it was.

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

The artwork is interesting but is decidedly low rez. The character models are very nice. The graphics grow on you but prepare to be a bit underwhelmed.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

Nice arcade sounds and music. Nothing you'll be humming later but it's great while you're playing.

Overall Score: 78

Review ID: 274

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