Thursday, July 25, 2024

Marble Madness for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Marble Madness

Dizzy balls and bleeding ears

Genre: arcade - n/a

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Year: 1991

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

I've never liked this game. I get that you're a ball, but this is too float. Nearly all movement is to the bottom left in or bottom right so success is largely dictated by how well your controller can hit those corner directions.

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

Devilish is an understatement. By the third track you'll be pulling out your hair and throwing the controller. Clever, but way too challenging.

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

Monkey ball! Without monkeys.

Art Style Score: 1

Art Style Notes:

Not much to see here. Looks like an early 80s arcade game. Oh wait, it is an early 80s arcade game.

Audio Score: 0

Audio Notes:

An absolute assault on the ears!! What sadist made this soundtrack? It sounds like a toddler banging on a two note xylophone.

Overall Score: 19

Review ID: 1050

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