Thursday, July 25, 2024

Mega Turrican for Genesis

Image: MobyGames

Mega Turrican

Genre: action - gun

Publisher: Data East

Year: 1994

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Classic Turrican gameplay, but two major problems exist in this version. First, the 30% draw distance is incredibly frustrating. Can you imagine playing Contra when you can only see 30% of the screen ahead of you? No, you can't because that would suck. Second, the grappling hook is slow and laggy to fire, unwieldy to control, and doesn't work unless you're grounded and at a stand still. The consequence of these issues is severe restriction of movement in the game. It's a shame really because the gunplay is great.

Level Design Score: 4

Level Design Notes:

Some fun things to do and interesting design elements to experience. Not quite at the same level as Super Turrican 1 & 2 on the SNES, but still good.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Generic space guy setting. Story doesn't matter. Just shoot the bad guys!

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Grainy and washed out when compared to Super Turrican, but still a loy of great background details and good sprite work. Easy to read HUD Satisfying explosions

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

The first level theme isn't my favorite but overall this game has good music. It has that metallic sound so pervasive in Genesis games that keeps it from being great, but I like it. I also love how the music changes at certain triggered events in a cinematic way. Good stuff.

Overall Score: 70

Review ID: 1064

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