Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Better graphics, same gameplayGenre: rpg - japanese
Publisher: Sega
Year: 1991
System: Genesis
Gameplay Score: 3
Gameplay Notes:
Same gripes as I had with the previous game. Can't target specific enemies, battles are mundane, archaic inventory management, menuing is a pain, etc. Not having Active Time Battle is pretty annoying in an RPG. It's hard to go backward.
Level Design Score: 4
Level Design Notes:
The world feels smaller but the dungeons are significantly smaller and easier to navigate. However, they look samey, as do all the towns. I got lost on the overworld all the time. That said, I love the idea of multi-generational storytelling.
Theme Score: 4
Theme Notes:
In the early game they ditched the futuristic space opera for a generic sword and fantasy vibe. There are still cyborgs and eventually you travel into space so it's still fun departure from the DQ/FF theme. The only knock is the rushed opening which doesn't establish any real stakes for the story. I don't care about these characters like I do for Cecil/Rosa, Terra, Ryu, etc.
Art Style Score: 4
Art Style Notes:
Much improved visuals in the overworld. Vignettes are still anime style and character sprites are larger and better drawn than the previous game. However, the battles no longer show your characters. Removes a bit of personality from the game imo. But hey, the battles have a background!
Audio Score: 3
Audio Notes:
Some nice tracks, including a couple that might stick in your head. Even so, this is a pretty average soundtrack. Possibly the most fast-paced, intense music ever set in an RPG. It's mostly well composed but uses only a chime sound which is sort of harsh.
Overall Score: 68
Review ID: 1154
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