Saturday, July 27, 2024

Risk for Genesis

Image: MobyGames


I wish I was playing Lux Deluxe

Genre: tabletop - board game

Publisher: Parker Brothers

Year: 1994

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

I mean, it's Risk. The inputs are super laggy. You have to wait a second or two longer than you think you should before being able to select a menu item or a country. It's annoying. The one gimmick is an "arcade" mode where instead of just rolling dice during battles you instead aim and fire cannons at the other army. It's...a thing, I suppose. Aiming is impreceise and dumb so you just need to time your shots as the enemy moves across the screen. Not only does this make battles significantly longer, it's also not fun in any way, so I turned it off after a couple of battles.

Level Design Score: 0

Level Design Notes:

There's only the one map. The only variety comes in the four difficulty levels and the number of players. So yeah, nothing to see here.

Theme Score: 1

Theme Notes:

It's hard to get excited about an early digital version of a board game. The arcade battle animations almost make it interesting but since they were so awful I disabled them. So yeah, you just stare at the map which has no personality.

Art Style Score: 1

Art Style Notes:

8 bit quality stuff

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Music and sounds are repetitive but not offensive.

Overall Score: 17

Review ID: 1197

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