Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stormlord for Genesis

Image: MobyGames


The Lost Viking

Genre: adventure - platform

Publisher: Razorsoft

Year: 1991

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Plays like The Lost Vikings but with only one character, one hit kills, an oppressive time limit, and a perverted developer. The objective is to free faeries trapped in bubbles. So yeah, it's the faery hunts from Majora's Mask packaged as a standalone game. Movement is too slow and enemies follow random movement patterns that make it hard to hit them. Good idea but terrible execution.

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

It's a puzzle but oftentimes I got lost and couldn't figure out how to proceed. On the very first level, I painted myself into a corner that I couldn't get out of. There are teleporters that you stand on to call an eagle to transfer from one to another, but there's no visual indicator for which one you're going to go to and you can't always go back. Overall I thought this was poorly designed, especially when compared to something like The Lost Vikings. It's also repetitive. The game 5 obstacles get in your way and are dealt without any variety.

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

You're a roided old beardy man out to rescue scantily clad faeries in medieval dungeons. Yeah, ok

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

The artwork is actually pretty good. There's just not much of it. And the porn poses made by the faeries is a bit much.

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

The music is great. It's lively and rocking. The sound effects are ok but I could like without the catcalls and sexy grunts made by the faeries.

Overall Score: 37

Review ID: 1270

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