Sunday, July 28, 2024

Tinhead for Genesis

Image: MobyGames


Dark Plok with bad music

Genre: action - platform

Publisher: Spectrum HoloByte

Year: 1993

System: Genesis

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Fire a bouncy ball. It is fired rapidly and there's no ammo so just fire constantly which gets old real fast. Enemies appear in front of you so you can l have to keep firing. Gameplay is more about platforming than combat. Movement is decent if boring since there's little variety. Collectathon. Some collectables pop and expose something else so you have to linger to pick it up. I got so tired of it that I just ran to the end of the level after too long. Pretty standard platformer stuff.

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

Very tall. Tons of platforms. Just get to the right. Uninspired Every level looks the same.

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

Typical mascot stuff. This one is a tinman, robot guy. Reminds me of Tin Star's design, only 5 shades darker. In fact that's the major beef I have with the theme. It's cartoony, yet dark and foreboding. It's an odd clash of style. For some reason I want to compare it to Plok and it doesn't measure up

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Impressive details and animation. I'll give it credit for the technical chops but it looks like so many other Amiga ports. Heavy shading makes everything seen rounded and dark. Impressive parallax scrolling and particle effects.

Audio Score: 2

Audio Notes:

Songs are overly busy. Also much louder than the sound effects. Music is played with awful garbled Genesis sounds. Only four songs. Sounds effects are good

Overall Score: 54

Review ID: 1329

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