Monday, July 22, 2024

Wayne's World for SNES

Image: MobyGames

Wayne's World

Excellent. NOT!!

Genre: action - platform

Publisher: T*HQ

Year: 1993

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Two button controls - jump and shoot Shooting while on the ground is instantaneous but while jumping Wayne does a long windup animation which creates a long lag making it nearly useless. Enemies take multiple hits and often too many to kill before they can fire off unavoidable shots of their own. Better controls than most THQ games. The controls are floaty but much more responsive than many other licensed games on the system. Maze-like corridors mean gameplay amounts to mashing the shoot button while walking down long hallways and jumping over hazards. Very unsatisfying Draw distance 50% right, 30% left

Level Design Score: 0

Level Design Notes:

Typical labyrinthine design and aimless objective. Same elements repeated over and over. No variety Platforms have no bottom so you sometimes jump to a higher level when traversing hallways that are very short

Theme Score: 0

Theme Notes:

Who thought an SNL skit about two stoners making a UHF show in their parents basement would make for a good video game?

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

Busy background makes it hard to spot enemies and platforms Wayne's sprite is impressive but is also decidedly unappealing Still, this is one of the better looking THQ games, with some nice animation in the sprites and the attacks and other elements.

Audio Score: 1

Audio Notes:

Music is a short air guitar riff played on repeat. Sounds are obnoxious. Your shot makes a loud strum on an electric guitar which gets old real fast since you mash that button continuously

Overall Score: 26

Review ID: 676

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