Monday, July 22, 2024

WCW Super Brawl Wrestling for SNES

Image: MobyGames

WCW Super Brawl Wrestling

I thought it was baseball that was played on a diamond

Genre: fighting - wrestling

Publisher: FCI

Year: 1994

System: SNES

Gameplay Score: 2

Gameplay Notes:

Ok I guess there are wrestling games that let you control your character. Controls aren't awful. Not great either, but much better than the trash heaps that Natsume and Hammerlock turned out to be. View is isometric for some reason. Seems weird since the controls are not. Makes for some weird movement like pressing R or L lets you run toward the ropes which again is weird since it's so hard to tell where your opponent is in relation to the line you're on. Moves are incredibly slow with long animations so it doesn't feel super responsive. Not my idea of fun anyway. Moves include punch, kick, grab, and maybe another but I don't recall.

Level Design Score: 1

Level Design Notes:

Modes include Single Event, Tournament, and Ultimate Challenge. But let's be honest, it's all just a series of wrestling matches.

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

Licensed by the WCW so there are recognizable characters for those in the know. I don't know who these guys are but I can tell this isn't a no-name game.

Art Style Score: 2

Art Style Notes:

Ugly prerendered stuff. Reminds me of Pit Fighter. If Pit Fighter weren't a complete and utter piece of garbage. Would've benefited from about twice as many frames of animation.

Audio Score: 1

Audio Notes:

Just crowd noise

Overall Score: 33

Review ID: 677

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