Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Battle Zeque Den for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Battle Zeque Den

Ninja Waifu Warriors

Genre: action - beat em up

Publisher: Asmik Ace Entertainment

Year: 1994

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 3

Gameplay Notes:

Responsive controls. Plodding movement, but lightning fast attacks. Not the slow punches in similar games. Plays like any other brawler, but on a single plane, ala Ninja Warriors. Double jump and moves that include block (R or L), a short punch, crouch, jump kick, throw, and desparation moves by pressing Y and B together. The red character has a super fast slide which kind of breaks the game. Extreme difficulty because enemies are damage sponges, they hit like a truck and love to gang up, and health pickups do almost nothing.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

Not much to write about. Just move to the right along a flat plane. A tiny bit of platforming - about half the time there's a second level, Shinobi style, which can be jumped up to. Doing so rarely gives you a tactical advantage so it doesn't feel significant or even useful. Level two has a bit of verticality and some annoying boulders which are nigh unavoidable. Enemies come in maximum waves of 2 so there isn't a whole lot of variety in the levels.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

Three playable characters. The typical anime girl waifu types, with one overtly sexy, a nerdy one, and a young girl. Has a distinct Japanese flair and setting. Good stuff.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

Very good, but not great. Large, well-drawn and well-animated sprites. Good use of bright colors, although enemies all use the same pallete of red and black colors which robs them of any character. Backgrounds have some nice scrolling and animation, like rain or clouds, but again they're not very dynamic. Foreground tiles are used repeatedly, giving a sense of sameness throughout levels.

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

Uninteresting Japanese music. Not terrible but decidedly unremarkable.

Overall Score: 63

Review ID: 1549

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