Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Chaos Seed for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Chaos Seed

Feng shui simulator

Genre: strategy - rts

Publisher: Taito

Year: 1996

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 1

Gameplay Notes:

There's depth and then there's complexity. This game misses the mark completely by having so many layers of complexity and such. Constraining gameplay chad, you'd have to have a PhD to be able to play it, much let's master it. The game features a few different gameplay elements, including action RPG combat, real-time strategy resource mining and unit commands, and turn-based leveling systems. It reminds me a bit of the indie title Moonlighter which mixes up a few different genres into something that isn't as good as it would have been if they had focused on just one of those genres. The gameplay of Chaos Seed is hard to explain. In fact, the game itself takes 3 hours to put you through a tutorial which only begins to touch on all aspects of the gameplay. Having completed that tutorial, I spent another couple of hours trying to play it on my own before throwing up my hands and utter confusion and exasperation. Honestly, I want to enjoy this game but it's so obtuse and convoluted. I suspect that I might eke out some enjoyment if I invested another 5 hours or so, but it's just not worth it to get there. My main complaints are the slow movement and fast clock which gives everything a hurried pace to it. I really want to sit and think about what I'm doing but the game won't let you.

Level Design Score: 2

Level Design Notes:

Again, there's so much depth and complexity here that I suspect the levels are designed in such a way that they tax your brain. But I found them to be so frustrating. I knew what I wanted to do but I couldn't figure out how to do it. And the levels I suspect are randomized but maybe not. Your objective is to create a dungeon by building rooms of different types. Some of the types seem to not be available or I'm not understanding what they do. In any case, the objective in each level, wish the game calls a scenario, is always the same - gather set amount of energy and deposit it in the dungeon entrance to end the level. Frankly, I didn't complete the first level after the lengthy tutorial, so I don't know what the stages look like beyond that, and I don't care to find out. I'll give the game props for its design but it's too confusing for my tastes.

Theme Score: 4

Theme Notes:

The theme reminds me a lot of the Quintet trilogy, especially Soul Blazer and Terranigma. You're a kid tasked with saving the Earth from humanity by restoring nature. There's way too much dialogue but I like the idea of the game. I only wish the game was more approachable.

Art Style Score: 4

Art Style Notes:

This is a late gen title and it shows. It's top down like Zelda 3 but has a much more drab underground dark feel to it. The sprites are all very well drawn and animated. Although again, I wish the game had a bit more color. But the graphics do stand out. No question.

Audio Score: 4

Audio Notes:

As you might expect this RPG has a decent soundtrack. The main themes never got old although they didn't particularly stand out. But I was humming along at at some point.

Overall Score: 40

Review ID: 1567

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