Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Super Pro Yakyuu Stadium for SFC

Image: MobyGames

Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Super Pro Yakyuu Stadium

The long name, low AI IQ baseball game

Genre: sports - baseball

Publisher: Tokuma Shoten

Year: 1993

System: SFC

Gameplay Score: 0

Gameplay Notes:

Stupendously stupid AI. We're talking moron-level decision making, like trying to stretch a single hit directly to the center fielder into a double and being thrown out by 45 feet but not turning around and returning to first. Or a ball getting past a third baseman who then chased the ball all the way to the wall, this allowing a grounder to turn into an inside the park home run. What even is this? Weird pitching, using a golf-style meter. This dictates the speed and curve of the ball but with a mechanic that is impossible to understand. I've tried every combination of meter placements I can think of but the ball doesn't follow any discernable rules. Movement while fielding and base running arent bad, although everyone runs way too fast for how slow the ball travels. It's way too easy to run over and get under the ball. Meanwhile, base runners are almost safe on grounders directly at an infielder.

Level Design Score: 3

Level Design Notes:

You can start an exhibition game on only a few clicks.

Theme Score: 2

Theme Notes:

All Japanese menus. Japan League license

Art Style Score: 3

Art Style Notes:

Audio Score: 3

Audio Notes:

Overall Score: 29

Review ID: 1674

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